Wednesday, 20 November 2013


We all, at some stage in our lives, get completely side-swiped by something, literally or figuratively, but they all essentially have the same effect!  Its a bit like walking accross a field on a lovely sunny day, surrounded by the beautiful scent of spring grass and flowers  and suddenly finding yourself knee deep in a mole hole!

We have no control over what happens to us and when, something which many of us don't fully appreciate.  But one thing I am certain of is, everything in life does happen for a reason, even if that reason is completely uncomprehensible to us at the time.

This week, I, and many special people close to me, got side-swiped, and it sucks! I'm still struggling to come to terms with and understand why.... but what it has made clear to me is, we should never take anything for granted. Everything in life is temporary, even the bad things, which gives me hope even though sometimes it is hard to see it that way!

I previously wrote a post about a run we were a part of in aid of breast cancer and how inspiring and amazing people can be.  The human spirit never fails to awe me. Its ability to stare an adversary in the face and challenge it! The ability to smile no matter how crappy you feel, or how much skin you've lost under your feet from that 100km trek in wet grit filled shoes over the mountain, or how cold you are from cycling in the pouring rain surrounded by snow covered mountains.....and most importantly, the ability to stay positive when you find your body has been challenged by the toughest and most unforgiving of apponents.....cancer.....

The news that a close friend is now having to face this challenge, has rocked me to my core!  Suddenly the pressures and stresses that have been consuming me these past two weeks, seem totally inconsequential! I find myself reprimanding myself for being so selfish in thinking that I was having a hard time, when in reality, life could not be better!

For Don and his family, the road is not going to be a short, nor easy one, but I am once again humbled by the strength and amazing positive attitude he has. I salute you all! He's one tough guy and I don't think Cancerquite knew what it was taking on when it challenged Don!
I have seen him in some pretty hardcore and just plain shitty situations and states during various adventure races, and a stronger person you will struggle to find! He's always got a smile and a kind word, and I am truly honoured to call him a friend! I will not lie and say that his news has not left be feeling completely devastated! But.....I do strongly believe that it is just temporary, and it won't be long before he is back to living the life that he was born to live!

We will be with you every step of the way, if not in person, then in heart and soul! :)

Get better soon! Someone needs to keep the Elandskraal Fish shop on its toes,......and carry Tweets Backpack!