Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Every boob counts

After my recent 'participation' in the Every Boob Counts fundraising initiative where a bunch of passionate and maybe little crazy people got together and ran, walked and biked a 100miles (160km) for breast cancer, I wrote a letter to everyone who took part. It started with the word- PRIVILEGE, a word which I feel very strongly about and which is sadly not appreciated fully by most of us.

Privilege (noun) - a special right given to a person or group.

Many of us, myself included, have so many things for which to be thankful for. Sadly, the most important and often least appreciated is health. And only when we are faced with ill health, whether it be ours, or someone close to us, do we fully appreciate the importance of it!
We have all of us, either directly or through someone we know, be it close or just an acquaintance, been touched by cancer. It has no vanity, it has no off button and it isn't something that you can just quit when you get tired or sore. It also does not discriminate..... It can affect anyone, tall, short, fat, thin, smoker, non-smoker... Many of us have never really given the whole cancer thing (or any illness for that matter) and the implications of such an illness, its effects on not only our lives, but on those around us, a huge amount of thought, or contemplation, call it what you want. I know I hadn't.

This all changed.... For me at least. Cancer is something that I have become more and more aware of through people I know who either have it, or have a loved one who has it. My first real encounter with Cancer was when I was still too immature I guess to really fully appreciate the harshness of  it. It's total disregard for everything we know in life. But as awful as cancer can be, through it and the people who have had, and have it, I have learnt many a humble lesson!

I continue to be inspired by cancer sufferers. Their ability to just keep going, staying positive, with a smile on their faces no matter how crappy they are feeling or how dire their prognosis! I have met many amazing people in the past few years who have, or who have had cancer and I am continually awed by them! I recently met one of these exceptional people, and I can honestly say that I am a better, fuller, 'wholer' person because of it! It not only levels one, but forces you to take a step back from our general day to day rut that we slip into and take stock of who we are, what we have and the privilege of good health. 

Like most things in life, there is always more to something than meets the eye.... this something that I refer to is actually something that very often is overlooked, and these are the many wonderful men and woman who are the support system for those with cancer.   I have unbelievable respect for them! Caring for someone with Cancer, who you love, is never easy, and normally those who do it, have full time jobs and families, and still they manage to give their all!  Special, doesn't even come close! 

I am privileged to know many amazing people, who through Cancer,  have touched my life in some way or another and I thank each and everyone of you to teaching me the true meaning of being humble!

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